Ramshorn Snail Extraordinaire

 So I have recently really gotten into the breeding of Ramshorn snails. I am no expert, and actually stumbled upon this on accident. What started as maybe 4 snails has exploded into more than 100 in just the past few months. Like maybe 3 months. With that, I decided to see where I can take this.
   I'm going to call this my first actual foray into it. My reason for this is, this is the first time I'm actually putting effort into the color morphs of my snails. Until now, I have just been letting them breed at will.
 Recently I found someone selling what was listed as a mix of pink and blue snails. I was in love and excited. They arrived after about a week. It was a mix of good size ones and some babies. I got lucky as it did in fact have a few pink/red morphs. A few wild type brown, and what appears to be a morph jade. I was expecting just pink and blue morphs, but the wild are fine as well, as I'm hoping genetics paly a roll in color as well. I know they are hermaphroditic so don't need a mate, but the offspring's will be essentially clones of the parent. So my theory is the color morphs wont change that way. 
  I have two nice red/pink shades and the lone jade separated in a control tank so I can be sure all eggs belong with them. Surprisingly, or perhaps unfortunately depending on how you look at it, within 24 hours isolated I have eggs already. 48 hours later I discovered another clutch. Saying they are prolific breeders is an understatement. I have no way to determine the parentage, or morph of the babies until they are a few days old. But the eggs if viable should hatch within two weeks. 
  If the pink/red and jade ones lay eggs as fast as my original wild type, I will have no problem getting my numbers up and creating morphs soon. Of course this all depends if my genetics theory is even correct with them. Unsurprisingly you cant find much info on how the color morphs and genetics work with them and offspring. Just simple morph charts, like the one below. 
At the end of the day, all my snails could stay the morphs they are. I honestly enjoy just setting in front of the aquarium and watching them. I love them for who they are. I do hope you follow along on my weekly updates that are posted Sunday's around 10 pm (central) about how the snails are doing. 

A Forum Talking About RH Genetics 


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