Question: How do I tell between Triop eggs and dirt? Answer: The eggs are round and light brown in color, whereas the dirt and waste are not. Question: Can I start the pet Triops kit at night? Answer: You can start the Triops kit at any time, as long as the conditions for hatching Triops eggs are right. Question: How do I determine if there is dirt inside of my triops' tank? Answer: Stir the water. If there are clumps of green and brown particles floating around, that's dirt! Question: Is it alright if my Triop eggs don't hatch in between 24-48 hours? Answer: Yes, some eggs do take a little longer to hatch but they shouldn't take more than a week though. Question: Do you need to put water filters for the Triops' oxygen? Answer: The Triops are fine without water filters. When you do water changes and add in clean water regularly, that's good enough. Question: Do I have to leave the light on for the baby triops ...