Triops Q&A
Question: How do I tell between Triop eggs and dirt?
Answer: The eggs are round and light brown in color, whereas the dirt and waste are not.
Question: Can I start the pet Triops kit at night?
Answer: You can start the Triops kit at any time, as long as the conditions for hatching
Triops eggs are right.
Question: How do I determine if there is dirt inside of my triops' tank?
Answer: Stir the water. If there are clumps of green and brown particles floating around, that's dirt!
Question: Is it alright if my Triop eggs don't hatch in between 24-48 hours?
Answer: Yes, some eggs do take a little longer to hatch but they shouldn't take more than a week though.
Question: Do you need to put water filters for the Triops' oxygen?
Answer: The Triops are fine without water filters. When you do water changes and add in clean water regularly, that's good enough.
Question: Do I have to leave the light on for the baby triops at night?
Answer: Yes, you leave the light on for the baby triops at night. If there is not enough natural lighting during the day, you can leave the light on until the triops are bigger.
Question: Can I put my Triops in with my pet fish?
Answer: I would not recommend putting Triops with fish. The water conditions in a fish tank may not be suitable for the Triops. Some fish will eat them almost immediately!
Answer: If you are moving to a different place by car, you can bring your pet Triops in their pet aquarium.
Question: I've put my Triop eggs in the water to hatch, but they are just floating on the top is this alright?
Answer: Yes, it's alright for Triops eggs to float in the water. Just make sure the eggs do not stick to the side of the container and get dried up.
Question: How do I know if my Triops' tank water has minerals?
Answer: If the tank water you are using is not mineral-free spring water, there will be minerals in the water.
Question: There is a cloud of clear goo-looking stuff around my triope eggs that have been in the water for 24 hours. Is that mold?
Answer: It's hard to tell if that is mold but I don't think mold grows within 24 hours. Observe the eggs for 48 hours and check if there are any newly hatched triops babies in the water.
Question: Where do you keep your pet triops?
Answer: The adult triops are kept in a small fish tank measuring 25cm by 15cm. If you buy the Triops kit, a plastic tank is included in the kit.
Question: How do I change my triops' tank without hurting the triops?
Answer: You can refer to the article above and follow the instructions mentioned in "The Big Move".
Question: Will the triops eat each other if they are hungry enough?
Answer: Yes, they will kill each other to survive!
Question: 4 days ago, I somehow got about a hundred triopes to hatch from my kit. Do you think I should move them from the small tank included in the kit to a 1-gallon tank so they have more room to eat and avoid eating each other?
Answer: Wow, that's awesome! It is rather tricky to move new babies because of the change in water temperature. Another way to prevent overcrowding is to put some of them in a separate container with the same water from the small tank. Hopefully you'll get to raise a lot of them to adulthood.
Answer: There are minerals in bottled tap water that are not suitable for the triops.
Question: What happens if one of the Triops dies?
Answer: If there are a few triops in the tank and one of them dies, just remove the dead one to avoid contamination.
Question: Do triops need bright light?
Answer: Natural indirect light should be sufficient for the triops.
Question: Does a triops need a lamp or natural light?
Answer: If there is at least eight hours of natural lighting during the day, there is no need to use the lamp.
Question: Do Triops have genders?
Answer: Triops are hermaphrodites which means they are both genders. So, if you have two triops, you don't have to worry if they are male or female, and they can still reproduce.
Answer: Yes, triops can survive in cold water provided the surrounding temperature is not freezing cold!
Question: Where can I buy the Triop eggs in Australia?
Answer: Australian Geographic stores sell the Triops kit. Check out this link:
Question: Can I use previous aquarium gravel substrate?
Answer: Yes, I have used previous substrate and it worked fine.
Question: How do you know if a triops is a male or female?
Answer: An adult female triops will have egg sacs on the underside of the body.
Question: Can you use a water filter for fish instead of changing the water every day?
Answer: Water filter is not advisable if the triops are very small.
Question: How often should I feed my triops?
Question: How to get a triops that breeds itself?
Answer: If you are able to hatch some triops eggs, there shouldn't be a problem breeding more triops.
Question: My triops eggs are bright pink colour is that supposed to be like that?
Answer: Triops eggs can be of any color from white to orange, brown or black, so I am not surprised if they are pink or red color!
Question: What’s a Triops lifespan?
Answer: The lifespan of a healthy triops is two to three months.
Question: Can you breed triops from different sellers?
Answer: It is possible but I have not tried doing that!
Question: How do you remove the waste from a triops tank?
Answer: Waste matter can be removed with a pipette.
Question: What do I do if my Triops aren't hatching, even under the right conditions?
Question: Will play sand kill Triops?
Answer: Play sand has high amount of minerals that can kill triops so it is not suitable for triops.
Question: I think one of my triops had an unsuccessful molt and is now trapped and stuck to the exoskeleton and some other gunk. Should I leave my half-molted triop alone or try to help separate it?
Answer: Unfortunately, unsuccessful molt is usually associated with triops that are not so healthy, so there is nothing much you can do about it.
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